divendres, 20 d’agost del 2010

The last adventure

The last adventure
(1989) VI + 75 p., fot. col. i b/n., 3 topo., 240x158 mm.
Ed. Ina Books, Wells, Somerset
ISBN: 1-86989-705-6

Edició i introducció: Alan THOMAS

Diversos espeleobussejadors relaten les seves experiències en la superació de sifons a la Gran Bretanya (FM)

Jack Sheppard / Penetrating sump 1 in Swildon's Hole diving,history,UK,Mendip

Oliver WellsSwildon's Six and Wookey 15 diving,UK,Mendip

James S Cobbett / Porth-yr-Ogof - the Unreliable Memories of a Cave Diver diving,UK,S Wales

Barry Sudell / An Attempt to Connect Joint Hole and Notts Pot, together with other Activities in Leck Fell diving,UK,NW England

John CordingleyPeak Cavern - a Climb beyond the Far Sump diving,UK,Peak

Jonny ShawThe Connection of Midge Hole to Hurtle Pot diving, UK, NW England

Richard Stevenson / The Lost Cave of Cheddar

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  PARAJES SECRETOS DEL PAÍS VASCO paseos, ascensiones, excursiones, espeleología, exploraciones, escaladas (1989) 294 p., col., 265x190 mm. ...